Cactus and succulent gravel garden

This site was a small L shaped side garden in Alyki wrapping around the entrance of the house from the parking towards the side in between the neighbour’s wall and the terrace where it was just 2,5 m in widths. The whole surface of the yard is not more than 60m2.

Our biggest challenge was how to make the garden look more spacious than it is and how to make it a natural extension of the terraces where the family spends most of their time in the summer. The owners had a couple of requests from which the most important was that they wanted minimal maintenance, no watering system and clean minimal lines in keeping with the interior design of their house. They also indicated that they wouldn’t like to screen off the view from the street and include a shower to cool off on hot summer days.

As part of this landscaping project, we also renovated a wooden fence and pergola and installed canvas shade on the small pergola.

Created two triangled raised beds of different heights in order to lead your eye away from the very dominant bordering wall. We layered geo-textile and filled the garden with gravel -black and white – and created a zig-zag pattern with the black gravel in order to connect the back and side part of the garden. We planted succulents and cactuses -yuccas, agaves, aloes, cycas, euphorbias, aeoniums- most of them are quick growing and all of them have very low watering needs and adore the full sun that this yard receives.

How did it start?

The garden at night

A year after planting